Monday, 21 April 2014

Calligraphy competition

Annual Cultural Fest became a customary entertainment of Orchids which offers opportunities to every class to showcase their talents. Each class chooses the best way of closing a session and beginning the summer vacation through a dance, song or skit. The skits by classes VI and IXB emphasized the importance of education and charity and that of IX A provided light humour through witty students and their teacher. Class VII presented a few jokes in English, Hindi and Telugu. Classes I- V had delightful dances to offer. Girls of VII and X delighted the audience with traditional dances of Dandiya and folk. Girls of IX A and VIII sang English songs contributing Western music to the Fest. The marvelous performance of the boys of X needs a special mention. Their feats, beats, moves and steps held the attention of the spectators.
Principal, Mrs G. Sujatha congratulated all the classes on their good performance and wished them a happy vacation. Excitement, cheer and an eagerness to enjoy the vacation marked the eventful day.